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Terms of Service Learning Management System
KKU Academy

KKU Academy (the Academy) is the platform service provider for the learning management system platform of KKU Academy (Platform). The Platform’s goals are to support digital education affairs, provide more opportunity for access to multidisciplinary fields contents, and support live-long learning. A person who is interested in Academy’s course (course) must register as Platform’s user (user) and accept Platform’s terms of service (Terms) as below.

  1. As the user’s register step, the Academy treats the user’s personal data following the Personal Data Protection Policy (PDPP) of Khon Kaen University.
  2. Academy needs to record the user's activity for Platform accessing activity and the user’s activity for Platform using activity, for the reason of statistical, service enhancement and security.
  3. Users must be responsible for all your activities during entering Platform and must use Platform for learning and related activity only.
  4. If the Academy found any harmful activities to the Platform by the user or accessing forbidden data, the Academy can revoke or remove the user's account.
  5. If the Academy found harmful activities for a course by the user, the Academy can revoke or remove the user's account.
  6. The courses content is the copyright of the Academy. The users are not allowed to publish course content to the public.
  7. Users must achieve the course's condition to get the course’s certificate. (The course have course’s certificate)
  8. If the Academy found illegal activities to obtain a course's certificate by the user, the Academy can revoke or remove the user's account.
  9. The Academy may consider updating course’s content in the Platform without notice of users.
  10. The Academy may update the terms without notice of users.
  11. The Academy is disclaimer for the following issue;
    1. Platform’s service is suspended by the out of control cause.
    2. Platform’s login service and Platform’s learning service go wrong which are caused by the user issue, for example the user's hardware issue, user’s internet connection issue.